Kategorija: LSB Šiauliai branch news

Successes of the project “Know your neighbor”

In 2024, the Lithuanian Samaritan Society, together with the Young Samaritan organizations, implemented the Šiauliai City Municipality Youth Initiatives Project “Know Your Neighbor Near You”. This project was aimed at adolescents and young people, with special attention paid to those who have fewer opportunities or are less motivated to engage in extracurricular and community activities. …

Skaityti toliau

Camp “Get to know a loved one near you”

in 2024 On April 27-28, the youth camp “Get to know your neighbor near you” was held. This camp is in Šiauliai. part of the youth initiatives project financed by the municipality. The goal of the camp is not only to have a great time, but also to encourage young people with less opportunities to …

Skaityti toliau

Implementation of the project “Good emotional mental health – the real power of leadership”

Šiauliai branch of the Lithuanian Samaritan community in 2023 implemented the project “Good emotional mental health – the real power of a leader” financed by Šiauliai city municipality. The main goal of the project is to strengthen the emotional and mental health of teenagers and young people, involving as many young people as possible in …

Skaityti toliau

Kindness Week Events “Kindness Swings on Angel’s Wings”

Article from Šiauliai Julius Janonis Gymnasium website https://jjanonis.lt/gerumo-savaites-renginiai-ant-angelo-sparnu-gerumas-supasi-2/ 2021 “Kindness Week” took place in the gymnasium on December 20-23. These four days were meant to remember those around us and feel the spirit of Christmas. Monday is the day of the gift. Throughout the school, Samaritans laid out baskets of candy and students were invited …

Skaityti toliau

Hurry to do good or who are the Samaritans?

Article from Etaplius portal https://www.etaplius.lt/skubekime-darija-gera-arba-kas-yra-samarieciai The Lithuanian Samaritan Community is an organization that has been active for three decades and has more than a thousand volunteers. The organization started taking the first steps in Kelmė. In this district, on the initiative of the elected member of the Seimas of the White Memory Antanas Račas, who …

Skaityti toliau

Jubilee meeting of Samaritans in Šiauliai

2022 On January 28, a meeting of the Samaritans took place at the Pastoral Center of Šiauliai Diocese. This meeting was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Samaritans of the Šiauliai branch. Sonata Patkauskienė, President of the Lithuanian Samaritan Association, senior Samaritans and young Samaritans came to the celebration. The meeting began with a …

Skaityti toliau

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