The Samaritan Community was established in Lithuania in 1992. month of January. The meeting of the initiative group took place in Kaunas, St. In the rectory of the Church of the Cross (Carmelites), during which it was decided to convene the founding conference of the LSB. The founding conference of the LSB began on January 25, 1992. Kaunas St. In the Church of the Cross (Carmelites) (Gedimino St. 3) Mass continued in the parish hall. Representatives from Kaunas, Vilnius, Kelmė, Šiauliai and Jurbarkas participated in the conference. The statutes of the LSB were approved, and a board of 13 members was elected. LSB was registered with the Ministry of Justice of Lithuania on June 15, 1992. Order no. 148-VO. It was a new organization in Lithuania, which no longer had pre-war traditions and experience. Based on the experience of foreign countries, the most important directions and priorities had to be determined. Children with disabilities were selected care and support for non-attendant general education schools or care institutions.Also care for single grandparents, the disabled and socially disadvantaged people. If sponsors can be found, various charity support campaigns are organized, lonely and disabled people visit homes, and trips to cultural events are organized. LSB is also involved in various projects. We carry out joint projects with foreign partners.
The main goals of the LSB branch of the Lithuanian Samaritan Community are:
– To take care of the people affected by the disaster;
– Help for disadvantaged and large families;
– Provide assistance to people with disabilities, the homeless, the unemployed.
The Lithuanian Samaritan Community (LSB) is a charitable public organization that implements social, care, support, integration, psychological rehabilitation, day care centers, children’s summer employment and other programs.
LSB was established two years after the restoration of Lithuania’s independence. January 25 Concern for the extreme poverty and depersonalization of the people left by the Soviet Union has brought together a group of 47 people determined to set up an organization that will work for the benefit of Lithuanian society. The Samaritans chose the motto “Let’s hurry to do good”, so from the very first days of activity we started to fight poverty, exclusion of people with disabilities, help for poor people with clothes, inventory and food. The German ASB (Arbeiter Samariter Bund), a lot of its leaders F. Tepperwien, W. Müller, H. Röhrig, who have visited Lithuania many times, advised a lot in advising the LSB in taking its first steps. As early as 1992. LSB branches were established in Kaunas, Jurbarkas, Kelmė, Vilnius and Šiauliai. Since 1993 until 2004 25 branches were established in various cities of Lithuania in 2004, and the number of members of the Community increased to 3,000. The LSB has become an association with 11 member chapters. 1996 LSB accepted into SAM.I. (Samaritan International) is an international organization uniting European Samaritans that runs part of the European Union’s social agenda. The LSB Association currently has 19 member chapters.
The LSB is constantly trying to influence the Government and municipalities to outsource some of their social services and training to non-governmental organizations that are prepared for such activities, including the LSB. The community submitted projects to the Ministries of Education and Science, Social Security and Labor, and Culture, and won funds to provide social services to the public.
The main driving force of the LSB is the Samaritans – members of the organization who do 90 percent of their work for free, sacrificing their time, thoughts, talents, showing great patience and altruism. “These people are the organization’s greatest asset, and their work is invaluable, although very often they do not even receive the thanks of those they have helped.” November 8 LimB President Laimutė Juselienė withdrew the Silver Rose Award established by SOLIDAR.
It is a European non-governmental organization whose members provide social services, international cooperation, humanitarian aid and lifelong learning. The Silver Rose Awards commemorate the achievements of organizations and people around the world in the field of social justice, and the LSB has been distinguished for its wide range of activities to help people in need and fight poverty in Lithuania, and for the dedication of Samaritan volunteers. This award is not only a thank you and encouragement to the Lithuanian Samaritans, but also an honor for Lithuania.
Algirdas Jokūbaitis | 1992-01-25 – 1994 | Kaunas |
Antanas Račas | 1994 – 1996 | Kelmė |
Laimutė Juselienė | 1996 – 2011 | Vilnius |
Genoefa Baltrušaitienė | 2012 – 2018 | Vilnius |
Sigytas Klimas | 2018-04-28 | Kaunas |